
Invoices - Delete/Inactivate Invoice

You can make an Invoice inactive. The inactive Status is halfway to delete and the record will no longer show unless you specifically look for it.

N.B. If there is an existing Credit Note created from this Invoice, you will have to make the Credit Note inactive first.

Locate the Invoice on list-view
Locate the Customer's Order and click on OT
..or inside the Order Tracker
This will take you to the Order Tracker, click on the IN-number to enter the edit invoice document.
Click on the invoice number to access the Invoice and untick [Active]
The Invoice Status will be active, remove the selection and Save and Close.
[Save and Close]

The Invoice is now inactive and it is displayed with a line through it on the Order Tracker

The Invoice is now Inactive (half way to delete) and now is displayed with a line through it.

It is no longer showing in the list view (unless you decide to include inactive records).

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